Saturday, September 01, 2007

Top 10 Reasons History Will Be Kind to George W Bush

Before leaving his job, Karl Rove said that he thinks history will be kind to Bush.  I agree.  I decided to put together this list of the top 10 reasons that history will be kind to George W Bush.

History will be kind to George W Bush because:

10.  It wasn't his fault.  It was that mean kid in Iraq.

9.  Presidents are not responsible for hurricanes.  And apparently not responsible for responding to hurricanes.

8.  No matter who is elected in 2008, they can help but look good in comparison.

7.  It wasn't his fault.  It was that mean kid in North Korea.

6.  He tried to help America by setting a new standard for vacation days.

5.  He didn't shoot any friends in the face.

4. It wasn't his fault.  It was that Axes, Axial, Axs group of evil guys.

3.  He saved so much money by not rebuilding the Gulf Coast.

2.  Even people who hated Clinton now look back fondly on his term.

And the #1 reason history will be kind to George W Bush: because history's mama said that if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!