Monday, February 13, 2006


I am not really a right winger. I'm not a left winger either. I tend to be right down the middle in that I think all politicians are idiots. I normally consider myself a republican though. George bush has me leaning a little bit more left than I used to. I won't go into the details of that in this post except to day that W needs to hire Ann Coulter as his media person. I haven't read any of her books but I love watching her on fox news. Not so much because I agree with her (I do some, I don't some) but because she is so feaking funny. The post below is a prime example of that. CALVIN AND HOBBES -- AND MUHAMMAD - Yahoo! News I think insulting someone's religion is a bad thing. I think freedom of the press is good. To kill people for any reason is bad. To commit violence for religious reasons is real bad. I feel bad for all of the people who did nothing but have been killed and injured. What a world we live in! Tags: